Хорошая коллекция качественно сделанных кнопок в формате PSD, которые вы можете скачать исходники psd бесплатно. Это набор дополнит вашу коллекцию элементов ui для использования в своих проектах.
1) Push Button PSD [Download]
2) Share Buttons PSD [Download]
3) Wooden Button [Download]
4) Button Open PSD [Download]
5) Yin Yang Button [Download]
6) Download Button [Download]
7) UI Buttons PSD [Download]
8) Green & Blue buttons [Download]
9) Vector Info Buttons [Download]
10) Tiny Button [Download]
11) iOS icon [Download]
12) Cool 3D Tweet Button [Download]
13) Submit Button [Download]
14) Simple Web Radio Buttons [Download]
15) Switch button PSD [Download]
16) Slaap my Button PSD [Download]
17) Push me button [Download]
18) Power button [Download]
19) Lock & Unlock Slider Button [Download]
20) Keyboard Buttons [Download]
21) Mobile Banking Buttons [Download]
22) Tech Buttons PSD [Download]
23) a Button PSD [Download]
24) Twitter UI Button [Download]
25) Download Button [Download]
26) 3D Buttons [Download]
27) Aluminum Button PSD [Download]
28) Green Website Buttons [Download]
29) Detailed Download Buttons [Download]
30) 3D Metal Download Buttons [Download]
31) Big UI Button [Download]
32) 3D Metal Info Buttons [Download]
33) Button UI Kit [Download]
34) Switch buttons [Download]
35) FB Connect Button [Download]
36) Social Media and Email Buttons [Download]
37) Circular Power Buttons [Download]
38) Tick & Cross Buttons [Download]
39) Blue Button [Download]
40) Red Download Button [Download]
41) On-Off Button [Download]
42)Record Button [Download]
43) Like Button [Download]
44) Switch [Download]
45) Dark Glossy Power Button [Download]
46) XBOX controller button [Download]
47) Dark Button Template [Download]
48) Google Plus button in the wood [Download]
49) On-Off Buttons [Download]
50) Metal Social Media Buttons [Download]
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